Public Health Training and Development is at the heart of our work.
Our training programmes have been developed over many years using a wide range of experts to provide high quality courses that meet the needs of different audiences.

The aim of the PHAST Education, Training & Development Strategy is to build public health capacity and capability within all sectors.
The aim of the PHAST Education, Training & Development Strategy is to build public health capacity and capability within the public, private and voluntary sectors so that a greater number of people have the knowledge and skills to improve the health of the population, promote public health and reduce health inequalities in the UK and internationally.
PHAST hosts the Health Knowledge website which contains the whole specialist knowledge requirements for public health which is a great resource for specialists and practitioners.
Our courses and events are all available to individual organisations on a bespoke basis. At times we also hold courses open for general access and this information is available on the Current Courses page of the PHAST website, or call 020 3479 5250.
PHAST has delivered over 100 training events ranging from portfolio development programmes for specialists and practitioners, Part A revision courses, leadership courses and many workshops such as the acclaimed Health is Everyone’s Business, which won awards and the latest development Achieving Value in Hellish Times which is in great demand.
Financial Management
A course for public health trainees and other non-financial staff to develop their understanding and use of financial management practices and techniques in the workplace covering:
- constructing and managing budgets, forecasting & reporting;
- costing services and understanding margins;
- using financial information to inform strategic decision-making;
- understanding the basics of organisations financial statements;
- why financial planning needs to be a continuous process aligned with business planning;
- importance of good financial control and governance, and basics of accounting.
Course supported with an overview of public finances and pre-course material and sharing of experiences from across sectors to aid understanding and application of knowledge.

Getting to Grips with your own Career Development and working with others using MBTI
MBTI is one of a number of useful tools that help individual to better understand their own preferences and style and in doing so can be more effective in making decisions and working with others.
Meet our Trainers
All PHAST courses are delivered by trained professionals with particular skills and knowledge applicable to the course content. All courses are quality assured and are to the highest standard. Please see below for further information about a selection of our current trainers.