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Improving public health in Lambeth and Southwark 2013-2015

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The transfer in April 2013 of much public health work in England from the NHS to local authorities resulted in considerable change of priorities and relationships.  One aspect of this change was the decision by Lambeth and Southwark Councils to run a shared public health service with a single Director of Public Health, Dr Ruth Wallis.

This development has given the two councils a unique opportunity to reduce health inequalities and to influence the wider determinants of health such as the quality of the environment and access to good housing and education.

What was the problem?

A record of work completed by the Lambeth and Southwark Public Health Team during 2013-2015 was needed to summarise progress and highlight key achievements for senior decision makers, leaders and stakeholders across Lambeth and Southwark ahead of future restructures and changes in both Local Authorities.

How did PHAST help?

PHAST engaged with senior and front line staff within the Lambeth and Southwark public health team and reviewed existing public health documents to produce a professionally designed report that summarises work done and highlights the key achievements of the Lambeth and Southwark Public Health Team during 2013-2015. The final report is comprehensive and concise, easy to read and visually attractive. View the full report below.

What was the Impact?

The final report was well received by the client and has provided the Public Health Teams with a document celebrating and promoting their joint achievements.  The report has enabled decision makers and stakeholders who are not public health practitioners to have an overall understanding and appreciation of the contribution that


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