Introduction to Public Health

Working together with the Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH), PHAST are delighted to deliver a one day workshop re an Introduction to Public Health – facilitated by Hannah Pheasant.

The training day aims to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to understand the key components of public health and health promotion. It explores examples of past and present public health work and the role that everyone plays in the promotion of public health. It focuses on the key determinants of health and ill-health and the importance of epidemiology for studying the patterns, cause, and effect of health and disease in defined populations.

The workshop is open to all – anyone working in health and social care (e.g. NHS, Department of Health, Local Government) who want to answer the question “what is public health?”.

The course is delivered as 1-day interactive face-to-face training using PowerPoint presentation with group work and case studies.

By the end of the workshop participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of what is meant by “Public Health”
  • Provide examples of the scope of public health work and roles of people and organisation who are involved with public health
  • Explain the key factors influencing the wider determinants of health and ill-health and demonstrate some knowledge of health inequalities
  • Understand the importance of studying the patterns, cause, and effect of health and disease on populations for the practice of public health

To book a place, please contact Gina Mohajer on 0207 265 7327 or email  or click on the Register button below:


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