This workshop is the second in a series of three sessions, exploring the tendering process for health and social care contracts.

Course content:

This workshop is the second in a series of three sessions, exploring the tendering process for health and social care contracts.

Course content:
The full day workshop is structured around a group task and an individual task ending with a plenary session. The two tasks give participants the opportunity to practice the real tasks involved in the tendering process within the safe environment of the workshop. There is detailed report back and debrief after each task so that participants have ample opportunity to reflect on the experience of the tasks and consider how they can be translated back into the workplace.

(i) Simulation of the first meeting of a team responsible for submitting a tender.
How do you choose team members, what skills are required in the team? What tasks need to be undertaken to progress the tender submission? What are the benefits of using a project management approach. What are the implications for organisation policy and planning?

ii) Discussion of a ‘business case’ tool
How this approach helps manage risk to the organisation ensures the Board has been involved at strategic level, improves chances of success by having an objective systematic method of identifying the most appropriate tenders. How this approach improves the planning and eventual content of the method statement.

iv) Individual task – appraising two extracts from a tender using the appraisers’ guidelines.
Understanding the process of tender appraisal from the perspective of the appraiser and thus having a clearer understanding of how the way you write and present your method statement can actually influence the appraiser. Reinforcement of understanding gained from previous exercise about what is evidence. Agreeing some principles about what makes a good method statement.
Using in house appraisal as a too to improve the quality of tenders.

v) Plenary
Discussion to reinforce learning and make sure participants can raise any unfinished business

Learning Objectives:
During the day they will follow the processes which lead to the production of a winning tender. The day gives them the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge gained so far to a real tender within the safe environment of a workshop

  • Assembling the tender team
  • The key stages in preparing the tender
  • Key skills in writing and presenting the tender
  • Quality assuring the tender
  • Developing a systematic objective approach to tendering
  • Understanding how the organisation needs to adapt to enable the tendering process to be more efficient and effective
  • Developing practical tools and techniques for improving how the organisation tackles the tender process
  • Understanding the benefits of adopting a project management approach to tendering

The second, or award, stage of tendering involves responding to the Invitation to Tender (ITT) and completing a Method Statement.

  • Developing an understanding of writing styles appropriate for method statements
  • Understanding how appraisal officers approach the task of appraising method statements and using this understanding to improve writing style
  • Understand how supporting evidence strengthens the method statement
  • Develop appraisal as a tool for improving method statements

This workshop is a part of a series of three sessions exploring the tendering process for Health and Social Care contracts, while each workshop can be taken on its own, it is recommended that all three are undertaken.
Other workshops in this series:

For more information on this course and how the content can be adapted to suit the needs of your organisation, or you as an individual, please email


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