Assessing and Communicating Risk


A workshop to develop practical skills in clarifying perceptions of health risks and in supporting informed choice on related actions.

Health risks are often little understood and poorly communicated. People’s attitudes and reactions to risk are influenced by many factors, not least by –  often sensationalistic – coverage in the media. Risk behaviour is driven by complex mixes of rationality and emotion.

Health professionals and all those responsible for health programmes need to be able to identify, assess and communicate health risks, to know how to engage in dialogue that takes account of stakeholder’s concerns and to be able to support people in making informed choices about how to respond to risks. 

This one-day workshop will develop participants’ practical skills in these areas.

By the end of the workshop participants should be better able to:

  • identify and assess health risks 
  • present key information about health risks in a simple and accessible manner 
  • understand how risks are perceived differently by different people 
  • craft key messages about health risks to a variety of stakeholders 
  • develop strategies for communicating about risk to support informed choice about actions 

The workshop is relevant to all those who need to deal with actual or potential health risks for patients or the public i.e. a wide range of NHS, Local Authority, private and voluntary sector staff including doctors, nurses, managers and community and public health specialists.

The workshop will be led by an accomplished presenter and facilitator with experience in advising on health risk assessment and communication up to and including Chief Medical Officer level. It will comprise a mix of short presentations and group exercises for a practical “learning by doing” approach, for example designing a communication strategy for use in the event of a local exposure to a novel health hazard. 

Trainer:  Geoff Royston

Cancellations due to unforeseen circumstances may occur at any time.  Where dates are varied by PHAST, course participants may request a full refund if the new dates are not convenient. Please see our full cancellation policy.



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